2024 PT5 Mini moon
This autumn, Earth will briefly acquire a second moon. A small asteroid, 2024 PT5, will become a temporary “mini-moon,” orbiting Earth between September 29 and November 25 before escaping its gravitational pull, according to a report by the American Astronomical Society.
Although too small and dim to see with the naked eye or basic telescopes, professional equipment will capture images of the asteroid. Discovered by NASA’s ATLAS system on August 7, 2024 PT5 is approximately 33 feet (10 meters) wide and originates from the Arjuna asteroid belt.
Mini moon
Astronomer Dr. Jennifer Millard explains that Earth’s gravity will briefly alter the asteroid’s course, causing it to orbit for two months before it moves on. This event highlights the abundance of undiscovered objects in our solar system, stressing the need for continued sky monitoring.