Neeraj Chopra added another Olympic medal to his collection on Thursday by winning a silver in the Men’s Javelin Throw at the Paris Olympics. The reigning champion faced tough competition, ultimately finishing second to Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem, who set an Olympic Record with a throw of 92.97m. Neeraj secured the silver with his best throw of the season at 89.45m.
With this silver, Neeraj joins an exclusive group of Indian athletes who have won multiple Olympic medals in individual sports. He now stands alongside PV Sindhu, Sushil Kumar, and Manu Bhaker, each of whom also has two Olympic medals.
The spotlight was on Neeraj from the start, especially after his impressive 89.34m throw in the qualifying round. The competition in Paris was intense, with nine athletes crossing the 84m mark to reach the final, making it a highly anticipated showdown
The final began with Keshorn Walcott setting the early standard with an 86.16m throw. Meanwhile, Arshad Nadeem and Julian Weber struggled with foul throws. Neeraj’s first attempt was powerful, but he unfortunately fouled after losing his balance.
As the competition heated up, Grenadian Anderson Peters took the lead with a throw of 87.87m. Despite the fierce competition, Neeraj’s determination earned him the silver, showing once again his skill and resilience on the world stage.